Monday, September 21, 2009

In-Processing in Norfolk

Well, the first day of processing is in the books! Lots of briefings, lots of paperwork, and surprisingly...a lot of my questions were answered. Not a bad way to start this whole experience.

I was fitted for new uniforms, because apparently the $5,000.00 worth of uniforms I have in my closet at home aren't the right kind or color. As you all know, I am in the NAVY but today I was fitted for ARMY uniforms. Welcome to the NARMY.

For about 2 blissful moments, there was a good chance that I would be in SMALLS! Then reality set settled in right around my Big Ass Birthing Hips (BABHs) and the gig was up. I officially wear Medium Extra short tops and Medium Short trousers. It was sort of like the opposite effect of shopping at Talbots...where everything has been sized down in order to make us feel better. I don't think anything about the NARMY is designed to make us feel better.

That said, the folks at the Processing Center have been really good. Sure, there is a lot of down time or things that don't pertain to me, but with 200+ people to move through, it's understandable that not all of us will have the same issues. Having done this for several years, these people have it down to a science.

In other bizarre news, all day long I sat next to a super tall super skinny LCDR. Only to find out in the afternoon he is from Fredericksburg!! (Well, not really from there, but he has lived there for the last several years while working at Dahlgren.) I know I'm only a 2 hour drive from home, but still...isn't that strange?

1 comment:

  1. Karen,

    Thanks for the post. Is the LCDR going to Iraq? That would be nice to have someone "local" in country.

    And you are sooo brave to post your size. The military needs to get a woman helping out with uniform designs!

    I'm so proud of you!

